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Exposed Acne Treatment

A lot of acne products claim to be "natural" products. The Exposed Acne Treatment System takes that a step further. Exposed is the one product that combines the best of natural treatment options combined with the power of science, to give you the maximum skin treatment possible. Exposed Acne Treatment was developed through a collaborative effort of dermatologists, naturopaths and chemists--and offers a break-through, full spectrum approach to treating acne.

What separates Exposed from other acne products is that it not only fights the acne that currently afflicts you, but through its unique combination of natural ingredients, it actually prevents future outbreaks. Here's a brief look at the Exposed Acne Treatment process:

1) First, applying the Exposed Facial Cleanser strips away excess oils and dirt, while at the same time leaving in place the skin's own helpful liquid layer. It also cleans away excess dead skin cells using Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids.

2) Next, the Exposed Clearing Tonic is applied to the skin. This formula contains a unique blend of natural and scientific ingredients that go to work, unclogging the pores while also removing dead skin cells. This helps with clearing both black and white heads. The Clearing Tonic then soothes and actually begins healing your skin.

3) Then Extended Release Micro Benzoyl-Peroxide, applied during the day, kills the bacteria that causes acne. It also helps reduce the amount of excess sebum (Sebum is the primary culprit in your body when it comes to the problem of acne, as it sticks with dead skin cells, clogging your pores and producing the condition we call acne). Exposed's Micro Benzoyl-Peroxide product has been shown to be as effective as standard BP products, and yet not as dry. Because Exposed's BP is not as dry, there is less skin irritation and greater reduction of acne bacteria.

4) A special night-time "Clear Pore Serum" is designed to keep your skin clear and help with the skin-healing process while you sleep. Using this product while you sleep also increases the effectiveness of other ingredients that work throughout the day.

We don't claim that other acne treatment products are no good. There are many programs that will give you some results. Even a daily cleansing with soap and water can be helpful. However, you should understand that results you get with other programs might be limited and frustrating. Even some of the higher-priced products on the market aren't as effective as they could be. Some of these products use primarily "advanced" scientific chemicals. Others boast an "all-natural approach." What makes Exposed unique is that its system uses both scientific and natural additives, combined together in a way that will unclog blocked pores, kill the bacteria that cause acne, and restore your natural level of sebum production. Anything you could want in your acne treatment system, you'll find in Exposed. We believe you may find it to be the best acne treatment available.

Acne Treatment Products


Acnezine Acne Product

When it comes to natural acne treatment options, Acnezine is our pick for best, and for many good reasons.

This excellent acne product heals the body's acne production, not by the use of lots of synthetically created materials, but using nature's own healers. This makes Acnezine the perfect, natural acne treatment product. It is nature's friend, your skin's friend, and even your billfold's friend. We heartily recommend it.


ClearPores Acne Product

Among the many acne products on the market, ClearPores stands alone in the process it uses. This natural acne treatment system literally works from the inside out, whereas other similar products start--and usually stay--at the surface level.

Hoodia | Acnezine | Provillus