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Acne during Pregnancy

One the main problems pregnant women have during their pregnancy is acne. A good percentage of pregnant women do get acne for almost all of the pregnancy. This flare up of acne has its roots in the fluctuation in hormone levels that occur during pregnancy. The pores of the skin tend to overproduce oil due to the hormone fluctuations and this leads to a large amount of pimples forming. Acne can be formed mostly on shoulders, chest, back areas and mouth.

In most cases the acne is really just a passing phase of the pregnancy and no treatment will be necessary. So when the pregnancy is over or a particular stage of the pregnancy has passed the woman will be acne free.

You can treat acne by using creams and very important, by consulting your doctor or a dermatologist, which has to be safe for your skin during pregnancy. You need to have the right medication for acne so that it does not affect the unborn foetus. If the acne reaches a severe stage, then it might create complications and result in some defect when the child is born maybe hearing problem as an example.

The drug stores have various types of medicines for acne which can cure mild acne, moderate or worst acne. Some medicines or cream cannot be used by pregnant women as it contains salicylic acid or tetracycline. Depending on the acne type, Dermatologists will prescribe the treatment; the right cure to make sure the exposure of the drugs is very minimal which can harm the foetus and should not have an adverse affect. Never use any alternative if the store does not have the prescribed drug or cream. In case, if there’s no choice make sure that the cream or medicine has the required ingredients and also it would be better to consult your doctor so that it is not difficult to rectify the problem at a later stage. One can try for tropical treatment too.

For pregnant women, to avoid acne she needs to have a proper balanced and nutritional diet. One needs to keep caffeine, chocolates (sugar), oily food or junks away as precautions. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten. Exercise or Yoga will help to stimulate the blood circulation. You can have green tea, olive oil, walnuts (rich in omegas), berries, juices, yoghurt, etc which will help your skin to breathe. Also having the proper amount of sleep is important too.

Facial or a daily clean-up routine of the face can help the pores to open up and not clogged which will make it look worse. Drink plenty of water, well for the baby and you, as well as for your skin. Usage of mild soaps can also help to prevent the acne. Buy oil free lotions and not to be rubbed hard on acne it might irritate more. Minimal usage of cosmetics is advisable during acne. Sometimes the acne will vanish automatically in few months.

Acne is unpredictable; good personal hygiene and taking care of the skin will keep you away from the problem.

Acne Treatment Products


Acnezine Acne Product

When it comes to natural acne treatment options, Acnezine is our pick for best, and for many good reasons.

This excellent acne product heals the body's acne production, not by the use of lots of synthetically created materials, but using nature's own healers. This makes Acnezine the perfect, natural acne treatment product. It is nature's friend, your skin's friend, and even your billfold's friend. We heartily recommend it.


ClearPores Acne Product

Among the many acne products on the market, ClearPores stands alone in the process it uses. This natural acne treatment system literally works from the inside out, whereas other similar products start--and usually stay--at the surface level.

Hoodia | Acnezine | Provillus