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How To Fight Acne By Changing Your Eating Habits

Anyone can be afflicted by acne, but not everyone can afford cutting-edge treatments to solve this problem. There are some natural acne treatments that everyone can have access to, but it is best to begin the first steps towards acne recovery by changing our eating habits.

It is common knowledge that one of the main causes for acne lies in access sebum on the skin surface, namely in the dermis and epidermis layer. For the uninitiated, sebum is usually known as the oily substance emitted by the sebaceous glands in most mammals’ skin. Sebum is created to safeguard our skin from completely drying out, thus preventing our skin from adopting a scaly and itchy exterior.

Let us identify what type of foods encourages the production of sebum from sebaceous glands. It is thought that the culprits usually are foods that are high in fat and cholesterol but up until now, this myth has not been declared the truth. Fatty acid originates from the break down of fat that either already exists in our body or come from food that we ingest as part of our daily meals. To analysis if acne is indeed caused by too much greasy food, think about this: What if you stopped eating your favourite French fries and you are STILL afflicted with acne? This is not to say that cutting out greasy food completely from your diet will cause acne to stop, but it is still wise to consume less of oily sausages, fries, and all things oily. You should also incorporate more of fresh fruits, leafy greens and lean meat into your daily diet. There will be significant signs if you did, and even if this won’t help solve your acne problems, at least you would have decreased the risk of heart attacks and strokes!

When thinking about altering your diet to solve acne problems, there is one major myth to be quashed: Chocolates DO NOT cause acne. For ages, this delectable ambrosia known as “food of the gods” have been blamed for causing acne but studies have shown that this statement does not contain any truth in it. Other elements such as hormones, cosmetics, skin condition, bad environment and hereditary reasons have been cited as causes of acne, so if you felt like indulging in a bar of luscious chocolate, you can do so without feeling a shred of guilt.

To combat acne with a natural acne treatment through would be one way to go. You can also adopt a healthy and balanced diet, there are several types of food that can be incorporated as part of your daily menu. To reduce acne, it is recommended that you drink soy milk regularly but with moderation. You should also include food rich in Vitamin A for skin rejuvenation (apricots, lentils, carrots), Vitamin B2 and B6 for controlling and healing acne breakouts (fish, liver, eggs), Vitamin E to assist in restoring acne-scarred skin (mushrooms and nuts) as well as eat adequate amount of food that are high in fibre content for optimal metabolism process, which can aid in intestinal peristalsis and flushing out excess grease from the body. To find the best acne treatment you should visit Acne Treatment Control.

Acne Treatment Products


Acnezine Acne Product

When it comes to natural acne treatment options, Acnezine is our pick for best, and for many good reasons.

This excellent acne product heals the body's acne production, not by the use of lots of synthetically created materials, but using nature's own healers. This makes Acnezine the perfect, natural acne treatment product. It is nature's friend, your skin's friend, and even your billfold's friend. We heartily recommend it.


ClearPores Acne Product

Among the many acne products on the market, ClearPores stands alone in the process it uses. This natural acne treatment system literally works from the inside out, whereas other similar products start--and usually stay--at the surface level.

Hoodia | Acnezine | Provillus