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Misconceptions About Acne

There are plenty of ways to find information about the causes and treatment of acne. However, perceptions handed down from generation to generation are truly difficult to change. Similar to any other concept that it taught by example, acne as a condition reserved for “dirty” skin, or “teens who live on junk food” is broadcast in advertisements and parental lectures all over the world.

As stated, the perception of acne being the result of skin not being clean is not reality. This idea can even be harmful to some acne sufferers who may try too hard to clean their skin, thus causing more damage and increasing breakouts. If cleanser is used on any area of skin more than 2 or three times in a 24-hour period, it actually causes the skin to dry out, and then secret increased amounts of oil. If the process is continued it becomes a cycle that perpetuates, and often worsens the health of the skin.

A similar perception of acne that points to teenage sufferers is that your diet can contribute to the formation of acne. The reality is that there have been no scientific studies to support the idea. Overall health can help your body fight infection, and acne blemishes are infections of hair follicles. Yet specific foods, like chocolate, fried foods, and sugar, do not in and of themselves cause acne breakouts or individual blemishes. Eating sensibly is recommended for ALL people of ALL ages. This allows your body to handle all sorts of stresses and exposures to germs without any need for intervention by medical professionals.

Sun exposure is another commonly mistaken treatment form. While minimal exposure to the sun does even out the skin tone, it does it by damaging the skin that is not currently affected by acne to the degree of the actual acne blemishes. The result is that the body produces healing agents for the damaged skin, and increasing the number of blemishes that occur.

**An additional side note about sun exposure - when treating acne with benzoyl peroxide, the skin becomes extremely sensitive to sunlight. The risk of severe burns increases with this product, so be sure to wear appropriate sun block regardless of the weather.

For women who are affected by acne breakouts and scarring, the common solution to hide the embarrassing blemishes is to cover them with make-up. Over time, this has lead to the perception that make-up actually causes acne. This is not an accurate statement. The current formulations of cosmetic products are non-comedogenic, and therefore will not clog the pores. Though it is possible to sweat enough for the make-up to seep into pores, fragrance-free water based products minimize the effects. It is best to avoid wearing cosmetics when sweating may be a factor.

One final common mistake people make is believing advertisements that claim to “cure” acne problems. The proper explanation of the results of these products is “effectively treats” acne breakouts. There is no permanent way to handle acne breakouts. With dedication to a cleaning and treatment routine, breakouts can be extremely limited and controlled.

There are many other myths that are passed around about acne causes and treatments. Don’t despair, consult a medical professional for individualized advice and information.

Acne Treatment Products


Acnezine Acne Product

When it comes to natural acne treatment options, Acnezine is our pick for best, and for many good reasons.

This excellent acne product heals the body's acne production, not by the use of lots of synthetically created materials, but using nature's own healers. This makes Acnezine the perfect, natural acne treatment product. It is nature's friend, your skin's friend, and even your billfold's friend. We heartily recommend it.


ClearPores Acne Product

Among the many acne products on the market, ClearPores stands alone in the process it uses. This natural acne treatment system literally works from the inside out, whereas other similar products start--and usually stay--at the surface level.

Hoodia | Acnezine | Provillus