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Tips for Teens with Acne

Wondering what you did to deserve the incredible breakout of acne you just discovered as you were getting ready for the homecoming dance? Unfortunately, you are just more prone to breakouts because of your developing body and hormone production. You don’t get acne from eating junk food, you don’t get acne from not washing your face enough.
Your skin is covered with small hairs that grow from a small hole called a follicle or pore. Within each pore there is a gland that secretes oil, which uses the hair to flow out of the follicle and onto the skin.

The skin uses sebum or dead skin cells to protect the skin from germs and other invasive particles. When one of these dead skin cells is scraped apart from the surface, it can either enter the follicle, or allow other oil and bacteria inside it. This then becomes infected, and perpetuated by more oil production. The excess of oil swells the area around the follicle, and results in an acne blemish. And none of these things are affected by poor diet choices or unclean skin.

So now what do you do? Start at the beginning. Prevention of new acne is the first line of attack. You cannot remove infections that are already at work, but you can prevent more follicles from being infected. Find a facial cleanser that works to prevent future breakouts and wash just two times a day with warm water. Read all of the directions, and follow them exactly using gentle fingertips rather than a harsh scrubber or sponge. Then use a topical product that considers the skin type surrounding the breakout. This means, use a gel product on skin that tends to be dry, and a cream on skin that tends to be oily.

The next advice to combat acne is to avoid using any product with alcohol in the ingredients. This removes the top layer of skin, and your glands respond by producing more oil. The excess oil incites new infections and spreads the outbreak further.

So you notice a new pimple popping up, making a mountain in the middle of your forehead. Your first instinct is to squeeze the puss out of it to make it smaller. Don’t do it!! This may make it smaller for the day, yet the result is that more bacteria is pushed down in the follicle, and increases the severity of the infection. It also may leave a long-lasting scar in its place. Merely touching the skin can push dirt and bacteria down into the hair follicle, so be cautious even when you rest your head on your arm or hand.

Now it’s summertime, and that great beach party is coming up. Your face breaks out, so you go out and try to get a tan to hide the acne. This may help for a few hours, but the problem is only going to get worse. The acne is only being hidden because it blends in with the other damaged skin. The result is that the acne will be free to spread even more, and infect more follicles, and increase the skin’s reaction to the drying effects of the sunburn.

Another problem for teenagers with acne prone skin is the sports equipment they have to wear, and the sweaty uniforms that trap sweat and heat the skin. The increased friction can cause breakouts, and sweat production will spread bacteria out over the skin. So, basically, acne breakouts are annoying but not a lifetime sentence. If you stick with the recommended routine, you can control the breakout, and prevent new ones. Know the facts, and TAKE control. You can get the facts and get great products at AcneTreatment solution.

Acne Treatment Products


Acnezine Acne Product

When it comes to natural acne treatment options, Acnezine is our pick for best, and for many good reasons.

This excellent acne product heals the body's acne production, not by the use of lots of synthetically created materials, but using nature's own healers. This makes Acnezine the perfect, natural acne treatment product. It is nature's friend, your skin's friend, and even your billfold's friend. We heartily recommend it.


ClearPores Acne Product

Among the many acne products on the market, ClearPores stands alone in the process it uses. This natural acne treatment system literally works from the inside out, whereas other similar products start--and usually stay--at the surface level.

Hoodia | Acnezine | Provillus